Kia Ora Whānau
You will find the upcoming draws and results, along with any panui (notices).
Canteen Hours
Our 2024 canteen hours are 4:00pm - 6:20pm
We have several new items on our canteen menu including noodles and hot drinks. Please remember to bring CASH as we do not have eftpos.
Game Times
Whilst we try and finish netball early some nights will not allow us to do so.
Teams on Duty this week are as follows
Tower and Canteen prep/Opening 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Waihi East & Waihi Beach
Canteen & Tower 5:00pm - 6:00pm - Waihi College
Tower & Canteen/Closing 6:00pm - 7:00pm - Whangamata Netball Club
Please ensure teams arrive at least 5-10minutes before duty commences
Team umpires are allocated to umpire their own teams games for the grading rounds.
Game Format
Games will be played as the following format for all games:
4x 10 minute quarters, 1 minute quarter breaks, and 2 minute half time, 7 minutes between each round.
Points will be awarded as follows:
3 - Win, 2 - Draw, 0 - Loss, 1 Bonus point within a 1-3 goal margin
We advise all members to please leave any expensive jewellery at home where it is safe. Remove all jewellery prior to the start of your game.
THE GRASS AREA IS OPEN FOR PARKING BUT PLEASE DO NOT PARK outside the Scout Den or in front of the chain gate to Morgan Park.
Please ensure your team have their own bibs & balls and that match balls are correctly inflated.
Umpires are to check nails/jewellery and must have their own whistles.
Smoking & Vaping: Waihi Neball Courts are SMOKE FREE!! Please do not vape or smoke on our courts.
Our courts are also DOG FREE sorry. Dogs are not permitted within the fenced area, even if they are on a lead.
Players please ensure you have cut your nails prior to game nights. We don't have clippers onsite this is your own responsibilty as a player.